Friday, September 11, 2009

WWW Lesson Plan

LEVEL: Form 3 (Intermediate)

TIME: 70 minutes

AIMS: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to focus on problem solving and writing notes while playing a game and completing the given worksheet

  1. One (1) computer set per pair of students with a system that allows for web browser game access
  2. Broadband internet connection
  1. Go to the Samorost 2 website
  2. Play the game to make sure that students will be able to finish it with minimal assistance
  3. Prepare a worksheet based on how to progress in the game

Set induction (5 Minutes)
  1. Teacher recaps previous lesson on process writing and verbs
  2. Teacher introduces web browser games by giving a few examples of web browser games
  3. Teacher distributes worksheets to students
Activity 1 (55 Minutes)
  1. Teacher tells students to sit in pairs
  2. Teacher instructs students to complete the worksheets while playing the game
  3. Teacher instructs students to locate the game website and begin playing the game
Conclusion (10 Minutes)
  1. Teacher discusses answers with students
  2. Teacher recaps the lesson by discussing the use of verbs and process writing
Follow-up Activity

Students are to write an essay describing what their web game would be if they were given the opportunity to construct their own game, practicing the use of verbs and process writing


  1. Opening the website took me forever plus the site was just a blank page. I trust it's an interesting game and students will like it. This LP is related to the article you reviewed huh?

    Like the follow up activity

  2. Playing games during class? Ohooo me likey! But constant attention would be needed from the teacher to make sure the objectives are achieved. Kalau tak, the students would just be playing the games without paying much focus to the learning activity

  3. i don't quite understand how the game works, plus without the handouts, i don't really have the idea of what the lesson is about. However, i believe it will grasp the students' attention as long as the 'loading' did not take up too much time.

  4. Playing games??!!! hohoho.. if only you were my teacher back in school days.. man, would i get an A for every test.. hahahahaha...
    Simple activity, I like!!! but need to monitor the students. cant have the students playing games without finishing the worksheet.. and you will encounter trouble when trying to pry the students off the computer when lesson is over.. Games can gives you +ve and -ve outcomes..

  5. I would say this again & again but I just love games! However i suggest that you prepare a more comprehensive task sheet to keep their focus from astray. Cool idea on the follow-up activity dude! ;)

  6. i am not into games...but i bet the students will love it very much... english+games=fun...
    interesting LP... =)

  7. Students and games..CANNOT be seperated..heeee~~definitely students would love and excited to be involved in this lesson...=)

  8. Wow... Thanks for all the comments :)
    Sorry it took forever for me to respond, I just got back from the States, where apparently if you don't have a laptop, access to the internet is just an idea (unless of course, you can afford the ridiculous price for temporary WiFi access in the hotel room).

  9. a very "crunchy" LP,congratz! we like it so do the students..interesting & students will definitely enjoy this one..however,watch out for classroom management too,students might got drifted away from the lesson when gaming is on! :)
